About BeCOIL

Within the scope of our COIL project we collaborate with a range of partners to enable educators and students from universities all over Berlin to take part in COIL trainings and to exchange our experiences on virtual learning.


  • Establishment and expansion of sustainable COILs at the Berlin universities
  • Standardization of formats and use of shared resources (such as COIL training for students and instructors)
  • Improvement of non-mobile students‘ participation in obtaining international and intercultural competencies
  • Advancement of digital and methodological skills for instructors in online teaching within an international context
  • Creation of shared guidelines and quality standards for integrating COILs into international teaching and learning experiences
  • Utilization of synergies and multiplication of expertise within and beyond the network
  • Sustainable establishment of the concept of „Internationalization at Home“ for all Berlin universities.


  • Definition and formulation of further education needs in COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) didactics and implementation.
  • Finding solutions for administrative obstacles (e.g. credit transfer, recognition of achievements, etc.)
    Participation in training and further education measures for COIL didactics
  • Implementation of sustainable COILs in collaboration with international partners
  • Regular exchange of experiences between the associated universities.
  • Inter-cultural support and preparation courses for students before and during COIL activities to ensure international learning
  • Presentation of results at national and international network meetings and conferences
  • Utilization of a shared online presence (e.g. website, social media).
  • Development of best practice formats

What is COIL

Collaborative Online International Learning is a virtual exchange or global classroom format. Students and teachers from at least two different countries work online and collaboratively across national borders on a topic or issue. COILs offer location-bound participants the opportunity to exchange ideas internationally anyways.

COIL courses are conducted synchronously as well as asynchronously, are anchored in the curriculum or are offered as electives. They offer a good and forward-looking opportunity to link study programs and cooperation with partner universities more closely and to promote an international change of perspective and exchange of experience among students and teachers.



Virtual BeCOIL brown bag session

At the beginning of this 60-minute exchange session, Zehra Koyuncu from HTW Berlin presents the COIL “Businet Law Game“ which has been conducted by Prof. Dr. Michael Jaensch for several years. The event will be moderated by project coordinators from the BeCOIL team, which is represented at nine universities in

Virtual BeCOIL brown bag session on 08.12. from 12:30 -13:30

At the beginning of this 60-minute exchange session, Prof. Dr. Antje Wilton-Franklin from the FU Berlin will give a keynote speech about her COIL course on Language and Ecology. Afterwards, you can exchange ideas with other Berlin teachers on the topic of COIL and develop plans for COIL courses. The

How to COIL – How to Design Collaborative Online Courses with International Colleagues

This 90-minute online course provides an introduction to the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) approach and outlines how you can incorporate digital and international elements into your teaching. BeCOIL and the Berlin Centre for Higher Education (BZHL) will jointly organise the event. Online-event, Thursday, November 16. 2023, 11 am to 12:30 pm

COIL-Begleitprogramm: Interkulturelles Training für Studierende

Im Rahmen des BeCOIL-Verbundprojekts bieten wir für Studierende, die aktuell einen COIL-Kurs (Collaborative Online International Learning) besuchen, oder generell an einem internationalen Austausch im Rahmen ihres Studiums interessiert sind, ein COIL-Begleitprogramm an. Als Lehrende von COIL-Kursen können Sie dieses kostenlose Angebot gerne mit Ihren Studierenden teilen. Wir starten am 2.

Virtuelle BeCOIL-Teeküche am 05.10.23 von 12-13 Uhr

Digitalisierung im Bereich der Lehre bietet viele Möglichkeiten, um gemeinsam mit internationalen Dozierenden einzelne Lehreinheiten oder einen gesamten Kurs zu gestalten. Hier fällt häufig der Begriff COIL. Dieser steht für Collaborative Online International Learning. Zu Beginn dieser 60-minütigen Austauschrunde hält Prof. Dr. Stephanie Swartz von der HS Mainz einen Impulsvortrag

Lunchtalks Hybride Lehre am 30.08 und 13.09: Didaktische Ansätze für Hybrides Lehren und Lernen

Aus dem Verbundprojekt Berliner Netzwerk Hybride Lehre Am Mittwoch, den 30.08.2023, 13:00-13:55 Uhr werden in zwei kurzen Impulsen didaktische Ansätze für die hybride Lehre vorgestellt. Sie erfahren mehr über die Konzepte Humanizing Online Lehre und Gestaltung von Gruppenarbeiten in hybriden Settings. Am Mittwoch 13.09., 13:00-13:55 wird die Reihe fortgesetzt mit einer Diskussion zur Wahl des

OEB – Online Educa Berlin 2023

The 29th Annual Global, Cross-Sector Conference and Exhibition on Digital Learning and Training, 22nd – 24th of November, Berlin, Germany Overall 2023 Theme: The Learning Futures We Choose. “Will we decide the future we want for ourselves? Or will we be pushed into a dystopian system in which we have

EAIE Rotterdam 2023

European Association for International Education, 26th – 29th of September 2023, Rotterdam, the Netherlands The EAIE is the European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. The EAIE is a non-profit, member-led organisation serving individuals actively involved in the internationalisation of their institutions. The 33rd Annual