Innovative Learning Exchange: Insights from the First Hybrid COIL Bar Camp

Participants from around the world gathered in Mainz, both in-person and online, to explore diverse topics in virtual learning and share valuable insights at the first COIL Bar Camp.

On March 4, 2024, the first hybrid Bar Camp on the topic of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) took place. The event brought together nearly 50 participants from eleven different countries. BeCOIL, Mainz University of Applied Sciences and the COIL´DE network co-conceived and co-organized the event. Student employees from the BeCOIL partner universities also actively contributed to making the event a complete success.

Diverse Topics and Engaged Discussions

At the LUX Pavilion of Mainz University of Applied Sciences and virtually, attendees discussed a wide range of topics related to virtual exchange. During the Bar Camp, numerous important subjects were covered, including the development of COIL projects, incentives for teachers and students, the promotion of UN sustainability goals, and the imparting of 21st-century skills. Data protection and ethical standards in the implementation of COIL projects were also thoroughly addressed.

 Positive Feedback from Participants

Both the organizers and participants expressed satisfaction. “It was great to get to know so many different perspectives and engage in direct exchange with students and professionals from around the world,” commented an international participant. The sessions provided valuable insights and fostered intensive exchange on various topics. The open and participatory nature of the Bar Camp allowed participants to propose and discuss topics themselves, leading to a dynamic learning atmosphere.

A Look to the Future

The first hybrid COIL Bar Camp at Mainz University of Applied Sciences was a significant step towards stronger international networking and collaboration. Such events are planned to be held more regularly in the future to attract even more participants and further intensify the exchange. The next COIL Bar Camp is scheduled for spring 2025.

COIL´DE Network

The COIL’DE network was founded in 2020. Currently, our network includes over 20 members from many different universities across Germany. We meet every four to six weeks to discuss topics related to COIL that are particularly relevant to the German higher education landscape. Our goal is to contribute to the establishment of COIL projects at universities and to expand the exchange with those interested in COIL.